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I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. - 1 Timothy 2:1-4


The Tapestry is committed to undergirding every aspect of the life of the church in prayer. We believe that God is the one who sustains, leads, and grows His church, and so in prayer we turn to God in order to bring all the church’s needs, hopes, and challenges to His feet. See below some of the specific ways we try to undergird the Tap in prayer as well as some personal resources as well.


After Service Prayer

We see throughout Scripture examples of God’s people praying on behalf of others, and God’s people asking for the prayer of others (EPH 6:18-20). As the Body of Christ, we get to grieve our losses, celebrate our joys, confess our failings, seek accountability, wisdom and discernment, petition for God’s provision, cry out for divine intervention in communion with him, and with one another. By the power of the Holy Spirit, through the gift of intercessory prayer, we get to bear one another’s burdens in Christ and grow deeper trust in God.

If you are in need of prayer: we invite you to meet with our Prayer Team (offered most Sundays at the end of service).

You can also reach out through the Prayer Request section of our Tap-In Cards and we will be praying for you during the week.

If you are called to be part of the Prayer Team, please contact:

Prayer Meeting

Where believers come together to pray, to seek God’s guidance, intercede for others, and grow spiritually.

Prayer meetings on Tuesdays, 1:00pm for each other and 1:30pm for the body of Christ and beyond.

For more information, please contact:

Prayer Workshops

What is prayer? Why do we pray? How do I pray?

Look for our seasonal Prayer Workshops to explore these questions and to learn and practise prayer together!

PRAYER 101: Prayer as Presence

Prayer is ultimately about being in God’s presence.

In this workshop, we will unpack what this means, as well as learn and practise some ways to be with God in prayer.

PRAYER 102: Prayer as Power

Prayer receives and stewards God’s power - for God’s kingdom purposes.

In this workshop, we will consider why and how we have access to God’s power through prayer, as well as discover and practise this - through the prayer that Jesus himself gave us: the Our Father.

For more information, contact:


Prayer sermon series:

  • Small group study materials: rlkey=trtqzlosrkx7ct3iq4mpmhik0&dl=0